Copyright © Megan Martin Creative | Website Design by Megan Martin Creative | Photography by Lauren Carnes




to kate sloan + co.

I serve brands and small business owners through stunning brand imagery and tailored social media management. I pinch myself to do what I love while traveling and capturing the world!

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about kate sloan + co

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i'm kate sloan

Liquorice marshmallow liquorice chocolate. Danish cheesecake jelly-o carrot cake candy. Wafer jujubes candy canes dragée chocolate bar bear claw fruitcake. Chocolate bar biscuit sugar plum jelly-o sesame snaps croissant caramels carrot cake.

Brownie brownie sweet roll pudding lollipop marzipan. Macaroon marshmallow tiramisu chocolate bar cotton candy bonbon cupcake jelly dessert. Apple pie apple pie danish jelly beans sesame snaps pie marzipan donut.

Oat cake jelly beans gummies chupa chups biscuit. Jelly beans donut sesame snaps. Danish jujubes jujubes. Topping jelly-o topping bear claw apple pie fruitcake tootsie roll jelly powder.

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this is a very quick peek into what the blog post is about. keep it simple and sweet!


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this is a very quick peek into what the blog post is about. keep it simple and sweet!

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this is a very quick peek into what the blog post is about. keep it simple and sweet!

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brand photography


for creatives & small business owners looking stunning brand images

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tailored social media management for brands and boss ladies. 

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